


后期开发临时高级副总裁, 心血管,肾脏和代谢 (CVRM), 澳门葡京赌博游戏R&D、澳门葡京网赌游戏

As a cardiologist, I’ve seen first-hand the devastating impact of cardiovascular disease, including 心脏衰竭, and I’ve been privileged to help thousands of people manage their health issues during my time in clinical practice. 全球约有6400万人患有心力衰竭, reducing their quality of life and with a death rate of around 50% within five years of diagnosis, 预后比许多癌症都差.1,3-7 好消息是, 然而, is that the treatment landscape is evolving and offers new hope for earlier detection and better disease management.

心力衰竭是一种复杂的疾病,影响着全世界数千万人1 -3

心力衰竭常因多种相互关联的情况而复杂化, so it requires a deep understanding of the potential disease drivers for every individual 心.8,9 目前的心力衰竭治疗普遍采用“一刀切”的方法.10 然而, 由于心力衰竭发生的机制范围很广, 一刀切不是万能的,治疗应该因材施教. That’s why at 澳门葡京网赌游戏 we are dedicated to uncovering the underlying biology of 心脏衰竭 to identify novel disease drivers.


心力衰竭不仅影响患者和他们的护理人员, 但也给世界各地的医疗系统带来了巨大压力. 的 annual global burden of 心脏衰竭 is $346 billion USD and is projected to increase by 127% by 2030.13,14 It is the leading cause of hospitalisations in people aged 65 and over and has the highest 30-day readmission rate among all medical conditions.15 这就是为什么澳门葡京赌博游戏呼吁政策制定者将心力衰竭作为全球健康优先事项.

疑似心力衰竭的患者有立即和非常高的不良后果风险, 包括住院和死亡.16 的re is therefore an urgent need to implement effective policy strategies to reduce hospitalisations and improve patient outcomes through earlier intervention in 心脏衰竭. 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在努力做到这一点. 的 心力衰竭政策网络 最近主办了一年一度的灶台故障政策峰会, 是什么把政策方面的领导人聚集在一起, 学术界, patient advocacy and clinical settings to discuss the latest national and international advances in 心脏衰竭 care and policy change. 的见解 首脑会议的特色在线会议产生的成果突出了通往政治承诺的道路.

While improving 心脏衰竭 patient outcomes through early symptom recognition and effective approaches to diagnosis rose to the top as a key area of focus, 还有其他推动变革的机会. 科学的进步导致了可以延缓疾病进展的治疗方法的使用, 显著改善患者预后, 但是需要进一步的创新来解决疾病的根本原因.


正确的心力衰竭诊断, care and treatment requires a deep understanding of the wide range of potential disease drivers, 以及其他相互关联的条件可能产生的并发症.17

We now know 心脏衰竭 has several stages and types and can be a result of a collection of different diseases.8,9,18 在常规临床实践中,心力衰竭很难定义和治疗.19 心力衰竭有几种类型, 包括心力衰竭伴射血分数降低(HFrEF), 心脏病发作后会发生什么, 造成超过十亿心肌细胞的损失.10,20-22 这会损害心脏的泵血能力, 哪一个不能正常收缩,将富氧血液排出体内.10,21 保留射血分数(HFpEF)的心力衰竭患者, the 心 muscle contracts normally but inadequate filling of the 心 is caused by stiffening of the muscle often related to inflammation, 纤维化和微血管功能障碍, 或淀粉样心肌病中异常蛋白的沉积.23,24 In recent decades an increasing proportion of people with 心脏衰竭 have HFpEF – approximately 50%.25,26  

Understanding the different types of 心脏衰竭 is critical to identifying what is driving the disease. 例如,HFpEF的一个可能的潜在原因是一种鲜为人知的疾病,称为 转甲状腺素淀粉样心肌病如果不及时治疗,这是致命的.24,27  atr - cm占HFpEF患者的15%.28,29 经常 这种特殊的诊断被忽略了或者是在看了几个月的医生之后才做的.30,31 这 needs to change as there are treatment options available and more innovations on the horizon. ATTR-CM is just one example of why when people present with symptoms that may be due to 心脏衰竭, it is vital to make the correct diagnosis and to work out the underlying causes of the failure. Only with a correct and full diagnostic work-up can a targeted treatment plan be constructed to improve the outcome for that individual patient.  


澳门葡京网赌游戏, we’re committed to diving deep into the root cause of 心脏衰竭 to determine the changes we need to make in ways we treat this disease, 转变护理并最终改善结果. By harnessing the power of next generation therapeutics and digital innovations we aim to halt disease progression, 保护重要器官和, 最终, 为治疗心力衰竭铺平道路.

的 心脏衰竭 landscape has changed greatly since I first entered the medical profession more than 30 years ago, 未来还会有更多的科学进步. 这, when coupled with effective policy change to prioritise timely detection and management of 心脏衰竭, will make the outlook brighter for the millions of people around the world affected by this condition. 



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